POCKET PARTNER PROGRAM: The answer is in your pocket

Who is this package for?

  • Those who want a quick, objective and educated opinion.

  • Those who want an answer on day-to-day things and a soundboard on big decisions.

  • Those who want something that is cost-effective and highly impactful.

What’s the issue?

  • You are running “your own” business and this leaves you feeling alone, unsupported and all that time everybody is looking at you for the answers.

  • You don’t want a partner, but need to bounce ideas and questions off of someone?

  • Am I on the right path on day-to-day scenarios?

The Answer

  • Get clarity, objectivity and effective advice on hand when you need it.

  • No need for meetings and no need for strategy sessions.

  • Whatsapp and calls only.

The Package

  • Period: 6-9 months

  • R650 p/m fee

  • 9 month advance payment of R4875