TRAVEL UP: Wherever you are, we are with you

‍From: Isolation
To: Knowing and feeling that you’ve got powerful support.

Who is this package for?

  • Salon Owners beyond the Cape Town area.

What are the benefits of taking this package?

  • All of Andrew’s expertise dedicated to your success – as per the benefits of all mentoring packages.

  • You’ll be linked with a highly connected leader in your field – giving you access to a strong team of recommended complementary professionals.


  • Whole day initial consultation with Andrew at your salon.

  • 30 minutes weekly phone calls with Andrew for follow-up, questions, next steps of development.

  • Unlimited WhatsApp to make sure you stay on track.

  • 3 months duration

Investment Value:

Night and day difference between feeling your way through on your own – contrasted with the relief, power, support, strength given by an experienced professional on your side.